Thursday, July 29, 2010

Taking sister to the beach...

Two nights ago, a dear friend gave me a couple of Halloween costumes and a pink snowsuit for Clara.  They were sitting in a shopping bag in my closet.  This morning, as I was gathering laundry, Jackson found them.  He of course thought they were for him.  I sweetly explained they were for baby sister and that he was too big to wear them.  One of the costumes is a cute little sunflower.  You know the kind where the flower portion is on the hood and the body zips up making a little sack.  Jackson wanted so badly to wear it.  I tried repeatedly to explain why he couldn't.  To satisfy him I put the hood on his head and let him look in the mirror.  Next, he managed to wrangle his arms in with the rest of the costume dangling behind him like a cape.  He kept saying, "zip me up, mom." Finally, I put his legs in and proved to him that the rest of the suit would not reach his head because it was simply too small.  He didn't like having his legs zipped in the sack and accepted his fate.  He was not going to wear the sunflower.  To demonstrate how it was supposed to fit, I retrieved a teddy bear from Clara's room and dressed him in the costume.  Jackson thought it was so cute!  He picked it up and carried it around, calling it "Clara."  It was all I could do to keep from laughing out loud.

A few minutes later I found him in his room dressing the bear in one of his old swim trunks.  When I asked what he was doing, he replied "I'm taking Clara to the beach."  After carefully dressing "Clara" he then proceeded to put on his own swimsuit.  After both were dressed he gathered up his bucket, shovel and ball and proceeded downstairs to "the beach."  I was very curious to see where this beach was located.  I soon found out he thought it was in the garage.  I told him he couldn't play in the garage but he was welcome to go outside in the backyard.  Since its sunny outside, I implored him to wear his hat and sunscreen.  With those chores out of the way he headed for the back door- this time without Clara.  He soon realized his mistake.  He ran back, grabbed Clara the bear by the neck, tucked her under his arm and said "I'm so sorry, Clara.  I missed you so much!"

I am anxious for Jackson to meet Clara.  He is as well.  Yesterday, he asked me to take her out of my tummy so he could see her.  He will be a great big brother!  I hope he's not too disappointed when she can't play with him right away.  Soon enough they will be creating and playing out all kind of imaginative adventures together.  I can't wait!

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