Friday, July 23, 2010

Redecorating the nursery

Construction is under way on Clara's nursery. I love decorating so I'm in my happy place. I also love preparing for a new baby's arrival by creating a space especially for them. I think it is the way I nest. The first change we made was to add bead board to the bottom portion of the walls. I thought it would add a sweet touch to the room. While J and I were visiting family in Texas, Cole worked tirelessly to hang it as a surprise. It looks great! What a sweet husband I have! Since then, we've painted the room (a light shade of aqua) and purchased a picture to hang above the changing table. The chair and bedding have also been ordered. Its still a work in process but here is a sneak peek:

A few Saturdays ago, Cole and Jackson converted the toddler bed back to a crib. J loves helping Daddy with his tools. I couldn't resist snapping a couple of pictures of my boys hard at work.

Now that the crib is complete, I am reminded of why we moved J to the toddler bed at 19 months. Our little monkey is constantly climbing in and out of it. Here's hoping he tires of this activity before baby sister arrives!

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