Friday, July 23, 2010

Jackson's Big Boy room

The nursery in our house is empty. At least for now. A couple of weeks ago, we moved Jackson into his "big boy" room. I'm a planner and wanted Jackson happy and settled in his new room before we brought a new baby home. I gave myself a target date of July 15th. That way Jackson would have 3 months to adjust to his new setting and hopefully it wouldn't feel like his move had anything to do with the baby. Additionally, it gives me 3 months to prepare the nursery for Clara.

Well no need for a target date. This move went quickly. I had picked out the bedding and was waiting for it to arrive to pick a paint color. It arrived on a Friday and the next day I asked Cole to help me move some of the artwork into the new room to assist with the choice of paint color. We napped Jackson in our room and got started thinking we'd only be at it an hour or so. Needless to say, we were wrong.

First, the furniture laid out completely different than I had planned. Jackson wanted his chair to accompany him to his new room. He loves his chair. We read in it every night. He reads/plays in it every day. He has been rocked and comforted countless times in that chair. I too agreed the chair was necessary. Even if he had been ok without it, I wasn't ready to give up those sweet special moments when he and I snuggle to read and rock together. The problem is the chair is kind of big. It is a glider, recliner and was going in a small room with a double bed, chest of drawers and one wall taken by a very large window. Finally, we found a workable arrangement for everything. Being pregnant, you can imagine I wasn't much help during this process. Cole was a trooper and arranged the furniture in several positions until I was happy. We started placing the artwork on the walls about the time J woke up. He walked in, took a look around and then with a concerned look on his face said, "mommy, the airplane doesn't go there." I responded with, "it doesn't, where does it go?" He took me by the hand, led me through the jack and jill bath into the nursery and pointed to the spot it previously occupied. "There, mommy. It goes there." Uh-oh. This wasn't going the way I had hoped. On and on it went with the rest of his stuff. It was very confusing to him for some of his stuff (even if it was just decorations) to be in one room and the rest in another. Cole and I decided then that a slow and methodical move wasn't going to work. He needed to wake up with everything moved and perfectly in its place to understand. So that is what we did. We worked for the rest of the day and pretty late that night until we finished it. The next morning Jackson woke up to his brand new big boy room! Happily our efforts proved worthwhile, J loves it! Here are a few pics of the finished product. I was really pleased with the way it turned out.

I still need to replace the picture in the above frame. I have one picked out just need to upload it and order it. J keeps asking me who those people are!

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