Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Pregnancy Round 2

Last Friday (the 23rd), I reached my 26th week of pregnancy. Everything is going well so far. Luckily, no signs or symptoms of PIH (pregnancy induced hypertension) or preeclampsia which I suffered from during my pregnancy with Jackson. I started bed rest with him at 30 weeks. However, there were concerns it was headed in that direction long before we got there. We are hoping things keep going well and I can reach 40 without any complications or bed rest. I can't even imagine being on bed in the world would I keep up with Jackson?

Just shy of 27 weeks
We had our anatomy sonogram at 20 weeks and baby Clara looks awesome. She is growing and developing right on schedule. The doctor said she looks perfectly healthy! We are so thankful! For most of the sonogram she sat quietly with her legs crossed (she must have been napping as still is typically not her MO). Good thing they told us at 16 weeks baby was a girl! Below are a couple of the sonogram pictures.

3D picture of baby girl's face...almost looks like she is smiling!
Baby girl with her little legs crossed....right side is 3D
This pregnancy has been entirely different than my first. Other than the bed rest, my pregnancy with Jackson was symptom free for the most part. I didn't get sick and felt great most of the time. Not so fortunate this time around. I was sick with nausea, vomiting and terrible headaches until several weeks into the second trimester. I still occasionally get sick, but for the most part I'm feeling good now. My sleep patterns have also been different. I slept like a baby the entire nine months with Jackson. I am finding it very difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep during this pregnancy. On a positive note, Clara is much more active than Jackson was. We may have a little gymnast on our hands! I love all the movement, it is by far my favorite part of pregnancy.

Pregnancy is hard. That's why women do it (he he j/k).  Regardless of all the aches and pains, the end result is so worth it! I can't wait to hold our baby girl and watch her grow.

giving sister some love

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