Saturday, July 24, 2010

First trip to the golf course

Golf is Cole's favorite hobby. He grew up playing and wants J to grow up playing. Today was a big day. Jackson got the special treat of accompanying Daddy and three of Daddy's friends to the golf course! Jackson has looked forward to it all week and was beyond excited this morning. The first thing he said was, I get to go play golf today!

J just recently started trying out his real golf clubs at the park and in the backyard with dad. They are of course a lot heavier than his play sets made of plastic. Cole says he does a good job of making contact with the ball and has a pretty good swing for a two year old.

The course they played was Thorn Creek in Thornton, Colorado. Cole said J did a great job listening and trying to stay quiet while others hit. Due to the crowd, Jackson didn't get to hit very often on the course but got plenty of practice in at the range. He LOVES golf carts so that was a big draw too. One of Daddy's friends gave Jackson a bright yellow golf ball at the end of the round and he has yet to let it out of his sight! While I did manage to wrangle it away for a bath, he insisted on taking it to bed.

Sadly, Cole's game suffered a little bit with Jackson around but both really enjoyed the father/son bonding time. I was really proud of Cole for inviting Jackson when no other children were going. It really demonstrates his commitment to passing on his love of the game at an early age. More importantly, it meant the world to Jackson. This will surely be the first of many golf outings together.

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