Sunday, July 25, 2010

Fourth of July Fun!

Yes, I know the fourth of July was almost a month ago. However, like many other posts in this blog I'm taking the approach of better late than never. Our family had a fabulous fourth! Here's how we spent the holiday weekend.

First, our church planned a group fellowship to the Rockies baseball game on Saturday night, the 3rd. We decided to attend and to take Jackson. We knew this would make a late night for the J man, so we napped him later than normal and stalled our arrival until the 2nd/3rd inning. Our hope, depending on his level of tiredness, was to stay for the post-game fireworks show. The plan worked perfectly. Jackson really seemed to enjoy the excitement of the game and didn't get too tired. The game ended on time and God blessed us with a cool night breeze.

The fireworks were incredible. By far the best show Cole or I had ever seen. Jackson was in awe. The noise level scared him a little at first but he sat in my lap and watched in amazement. Below is a picture a friend took of his initial reaction. Over the next few days he loved telling people about the fireworks. He would jump up and down throwing his hands through the air saying zoom, pow, whoosh! The whole family enjoyed the evening and Cole and I decided it was well worth making an annual event.

Our community hosts an annual pancake breakfast and parade on the 4th. We really enjoyed participating last year. The parade is informal. All the kids in the neighborhood (which if you are familiar with Stapleton, is a lot) decorate their bikes, wagons and scooters with festive red, white and blue and parade around Central Park. Due to the age of most of the kids, the parents parade with them. As a result, there are usually more parade participants than spectators. This year the 4th fell on a Sunday. As sad as we were to miss breakfast and the parade we felt it more important to attend church as normal. We planned to meet the Cassida's at the pool for dinner later that afternoon. Unfortunately, a thunderstorm derailed our plans. We ordered pizza at their house instead. Jackson and Gracie had a great time playing and running all over the house. They are enjoying a great stage in their relationship. They are best buds and love spending time with one another. Despite the change of plans and the weather we all had a great time visiting and really enjoyed the evening.

Cole of course had Monday off for the holiday. Jackson and I were really excited for the extra family time. Cole and I decided earlier in the weekend to treat Jackson to his first movie theater experience. Toy Story 3 was playing and we had heard great things about it. Jackson isn't really into movies yet. However, a couple of weeks ago in Texas he watched Toy Story 2 with his Aunt Ninny and seemed to enjoy it. Since we didn't know if he would sit through an entire movie, we took a "what the heck" approach to the whole thing. We would try the theater and if he liked it yea and if he didn't enjoy it or didn't want to sit through it we would leave.

Our plan was to attend the 9:45 am showing. It would be early enough in the day that he wasn't tired and would be over in time for lunch and nap. Jackson had other ideas. He slept until 9:15 that morning! By far a new record. We made the 10:10 showing instead. We used a booster seat for Jackson so the seat didn't fold up on him and loaded up on popcorn. The movie was great. Jackson loved it and so did we! He sat through the whole thing without any trouble. Although he did move over to my lap for the last 30 minutes or so. I relished in the snuggle time. If you haven't seen the movie, the boy is all grown up and leaving for college. The plot is about what he decides to do with his toys now that he is older. I'll confess to a tear or two. It was nice to sit with my sweet little boy and know I have several more years before he's going anywhere.

Our afternoon was loaded with activity as well. After nap, Cole and Jackson went to the park across the street for his first golf lesson with his real clubs. They had a great time. Jackson loves to play golf and Daddy is happy to teach him. Of course I couldn't resist taking a few pictures of their play date.

After golf, Jackson had soccer practice. You may be thinking that two is a little young for a formal soccer league. We agree, that's why we aren't part of one. Sarah Cassida organized a group of friends all with children ages two-four and we are meeting this summer at Central Park on Monday evenings for "practice." Most of the dads have volunteered to be coaches (including Cole). We ordered shirts for the kids but there aren't any formal games. The moms rotate bringing a snack and we always have a large cooler of water. There are about 16 kids signed up. Overall, the venture has been a huge success! As I mentioned its very informal so if you're on vacation or can't attend its not a big deal.

Practice starts with the coaches rounding all the kids up to "take a knee." Next its warm-up time with 15 jumping jacks. If you've never seen 2-4 year olds do jumping jacks let me tell you it is hilarious. Then they move on to random soccer drills. Due to the age of the kids, it usually takes a couple of moms to facilitate the lines and make sure everyone is taking their turn and paying attention. Jackson is one of the youngest and since I don't have another baby to watch this is where I usually contribute. Its so much fun to watch them try to dribble the ball or kick it into the little goals. The coaches do a great job of playing "bad goalie" and letting the ball pass through for each kid at least once. They get so excited! Not only do the kids love it but they are learning great skills- other than just soccer. Mainly how to follow directions, take turns, pay attention in a large group and get along with their "teammates." Below are a few pictures from our July 5th practice.

Taking a knee with Coach Daddy

Jumping Jacks

Dribbling Drill

Jackson and Gracie after a "hard" practice

Whew! It made me tired just writing about our fourth of July. However, it sure was fun! Hope you all had a great one as well.

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