Wednesday, July 21, 2010

These are a few of my favorite things...

Everyone says the age of two can be terrible. However, I must say I am loving it so far! Jackson is in such a sweet stage. I don't want to forget a minute of this time, so here are a few of my favorite things J is doing right now.

1. Love, love, love

Jackson is in love with EVERYTHING. He spontaneously tells us how much he loves us several times a day. I confess it melts my heart every single time. He tells us he loves his toys or what he's having for dinner....even when its carrots. I think part of this "love fest" is just an extension of his overall very happy demeanor. He is extremely happy 99% of the time. He wakes up with a huge smile on his face and can get excited about even the most mundane tasks. I love telling him the night before what we will be doing the next day because his face lights up regardless of the agenda. Going to the grocery store is one of my least favorite activities, but J looks forward to it every week so he can drive the "car" cart at the store. He smiles and waves at all the other shoppers while he pretends he's zipping his little car along the speedway. Jackson told me the other day out of the blue, "Mommy, I love baby sister. I be kind to her and not hit her" (J has two rules: be kind and be a good listener. Everything seems to fall into those two categories. They are easy for him to remember and he is doing a pretty good job of taking ownership of both). Once again my heart was a puddle as I want so much for them to be close and to have a strong sibling bond. Cole and I are so thankful for J's happy, laid-back personality. Both of us are pretty spontaneous so it is a huge help that Jackson is so willing to go with the flow. Obviously, there are lots of changes in store for our little family in the coming months. We're hoping Jackson's "love of life" continues and helps him make a smooth transition.

2. Non-stop chatter

Jackson is a talker. I honestly have no idea where he gets it. :) He started talking early and hasn't stopped. The language explosion that has taken place in our house in the last 6-8 months is phenomenal. I think every parent will speak in amazement of that time when their cute little blob of a baby starts saying their first words. You quickly realize how much they've been paying attention the WHOLE time. Jackson has recently moved beyond words of identification and small phrases to being able to communicate his thoughts and feelings in sentences. It is so much fun! I love watching him communicate with his little friends. The things they find to talk about crack me up. For example, the other day Jackson and his friend Gracie were sitting on the back porch eating their lunch when I hear Gracie tell Jackson. "Your sister is in your mommy's tummy." Jackson responds with, "yeah. She kicks. It not kind." Another conversation later the same day went something like this. Gracie: "my hair is in my eyes". Jackson: "I love your hair, it beautitul (beautiful)". Gracie: "Thank you, your hair beautiful too". Jackson (removing his hat): "It is, It is beautitul!"

For the most part, J is pretty articulate. However, there are a few words that still need to be translated. Most of them he can say correctly, but he has said them incorrectly so long they've stuck. Either way its fun and I kind of like his sweet toddler speak even more than if he said everything correctly. A couple of ones I want to remember:

merk= milk
birk= book
porn= corn (this one usually illicits a smile from daddy)
I need a piss/pisses and hugs= I need a kiss/kisses and hugs
melmo= elmo
money= monkey (his favorite toy) He recently started saying this one correctly
chockit= chocolate (where he got his love of chocolate is a mystery)
wetuz= because

3. Mr. Manners

I'll admit it I'm a stickler for manners. I think the world would be nicer if everyone used please and thank you on a more regular basis. And while it sometimes ages me, I think its very appropriate when children address adults with ma'am and sir. Blame it on the Southerner in me. Cole and I have been very pleased to notice recently that J has really taken to using good manners without too much coaching from us. He almost always says thank you and you're welcome. In fact, he will say thank you until you acknowledge it with, you're welcome. He also says "bless you" if someone sneezes. He's pretty good at please too. Although, sometimes his desire for instant gratification overtakes his ability to remember please. Usually, we just have to look at him or ask him what he says when he wants something and he remembers. If he doesn't want something he responds with, "no thank you". We're still working on yes ma'am etc. When he does say it it comes out "yes man". Hopefully, the next few months will do nothing but improve this trend.

4. Fun lion

Jackson's imagination has really started revealing itself. I think this goes hand in hand with how much he's talking. Lately, he will tell us these outlandish stories that he clearly has completely made up. Most are pretty hilarious. For example, he tells us there is a lion that lives in his room. However, no need to worry this is not a "scary lion, its a fun lion!" Fun lion talks to him and keeps him company in his room after we put him to bed or at nap time. When you ask him what fun lion says, he responds with "RRRROAR! Fun lion also watches Curious George with Jackson before he falls asleep. Jackson does NOT have a TV in his room. However, he thinks he can watch it on the back of his door every night. If you go in there, he says "shhh, pay tention (attention). George is starting." A few other recent examples:

The other day after swim lessons, Jackson said, "mom, stop car" Thinking we'd forgotten something or he had to go to the bathroom I said why and he responded, "there is a shark back here!"

He's also informed me that Pop bought him a blue golf cart to take to the golf course and that he is the only one who can drive it. It goes zoom, zoom really fast!

Lately, we've had a guest at dinner every night. It is a blue butterfly that flies around the kitchen. It lands in Jackson's hand and he's able to touch it and tell us how soft and beautiful it is.

Holding a long plastic puzzle piece to his ear, J tells me he is calling his Aunt Ninny and that he needs his suitcase so he can visit her in Tollege Stason (College Station). I want to go to Tekis (Texas) and see everyone.

The stories are endless and it is so much fun to watch his imagination at work!
4. Growing Pains

While I'm sure the above accounts make it look like we have a perfect child, I'll be the first to assure you we don't. This stage is sweet but it has its challenges just like any other. J is no exception. Right now we are struggling with aggressiveness. Unfortunately, he responds to situations by hitting and pushing before thinking and acting more appropriately. We're working hard on being kind to everyone but it is often a struggle. I don't believe he hits with the intention of being mean or malicious. Rather I think his emotional maturity is lacking when it comes to interacting with friends and not getting what he wants. This is a common theme among my friends with boys. In fact, he usually realizes his mistake immediately and runs to tell me what he did. He is typically genuinely remorseful. We discipline these actions appropriately and talk frequently about the importance of being kind to one another.

Overall, Cole and I's parenting philosophy is to focus on the positive and not dwell too much on the negative. Like any other stage of childhood and development, we know "this too will pass." If the last two years are any indication they will pass all too quickly. We want to remember each stage as fondly as possible. One day I'm sure we will look back at the "struggles" with a smile for these things are what make Jackson Jackson and we couldn't love him more.

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