Monday, July 19, 2010

Jackson's 2nd Birthday!

Jackson turned two on May 13th. While I know it was a while ago, I wanted to document on the blog how we spent Jackson's special day. First, just let me say time has flown by! Cole and I can't believe our little baby turned 2! What happened to the tiny, helpless little bundle we brought home from the hospital? Somewhere along the way we blinked and he turned into this sweet, precocious little boy that is on the move from morning to night!

Getting back to the subject of his birthday, Cole took the day off so we could spend it together as a family doing all of Jackson's favorite things. Jackson only asked for balloons for his birthday so when he came downstairs that morning there were lots of balloons and his present from mommy and daddy, a new tricycle! He was so excited! Next we had his favorite breakfast, waffles, where he blew out his first set of candles for the day. After breakfast we played with his new "cycle" and opened a few more presents from friends and family.

I had an OB appointment that morning. So after breakfast and play time, we loaded up and went to the doctor. Now why in the world did I schedule a doctor's appointment on J's special day? Well it wasn't just any appointment. We had a sonogram scheduled and were going to learn the sex of the new baby! From the beginning of the pregnancy, Jackson predicted there was a sister in mommy's tummy. When we would say "brother or sister," he would casually say, "its a sister." He was always consistent. Sure enough, he was right! The sonogram confirmed we were expecting a little girl! Jackson was going to have a sister!

We let J pick where we dined for lunch. He of course picked McDonalds. "Donalds" is one of Jackson's favorites and a treat he doesn't get very often. After a tasty lunch of chicken nuggets and chocolate milk, we went home for a much needed nap- after all even birthday boys need their sleep! Another surprise was waiting for him when he woke up, Grammy and Pop had arrived to help him celebrate! We had a wonderful afternoon playing at the park, learning to ride his new tricycle and opening more presents! After dinner we enjoyed a Curious George cake (made by mommy) and ice cream.

Overall, Jackson had a wonderful birthday and we had a great, fun-filled family day with our favorite two year old!

Jackson- Mommy and Daddy love you so much! We can't wait to see what the next two years have in store for you! Your sweet, joyous spirit has blessed us immensely and everyday we thank God that he chose us to be your parents. What a wonderful gift!

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