Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Baby Girl

As I've already mentioned in previous posts, our family is expecting a baby girl in October. We could not be more excited! Well, we have officially grown tired of calling her baby girl and decided on her name- Clara Elizabeth Dennard. Clara is named after my maternal great grandmother AND Cole's maternal great, great grandmother. Jackson (Jack) is a family name on both sides and we were pleased to find a girls' name, also on both sides, that we liked and could agree on.

The other name in consideration was Aubrey Kate (after my paternal great grandmother). Cole and I were torn and couldn't decide. Then one morning Cole called her Aubrey and Jackson looked at him and said, "Thats not my sister's name. My sister's name is Clara." Cole looked at me as if to say, "does he know something I don't?" I just shrugged my shoulders as I had no idea where J's decisiveness was coming from. Cole pushed it further and said, "No, her name is Aubrey." Jackson countered with Clara and on and on it went for days. Eventually, since we hadn't been able to decide between the two names and because Jackson was so adamant we chose Clara. After all, J knew she was a girl from the beginning why shouldn't he also know her name? Now that the decision has been made we wouldn't have it any other way. The name Clara is perfect. We can not wait to meet you Clara Elizabeth!

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