Friday, July 16, 2010

REALLY long time, no blog

Ok, so as you can see from the date of my previous post its been a REALLY long time since I looked at the blog, much less wrote anything. Where do I even begin? So much has happened in the last year and a half. We completed our move to Denver. Jackson turned two (I can not believe it) and we are expecting another baby in October! I think the new baby is ultimately what inspired me to give the blog another try. I have grand hopes of this blog being an online diary of my kids lives so one day I can print it, put it in their baby books and say this is everything you did growing up. Also, since moving to Denver, we don't live as close to family. I'm hoping this can be a resource for out of town family and friends to share in our everyday lives.

Here's hoping round two of the blog will be much more fruitful and consistent!! Feel free to send me an email if I start slacking!


  1. So excited to follow your blog!! I'd love to see what's going on with you and your little ones. Hope the pregnancy is going well too!

  2. Thanks, Jen! I've enjoyed reading yours. Your girls are precious!!
