Thursday, August 5, 2010

Great Grandparents

We spent last weekend in Cole's hometown of Farmington, New Mexico.  It was a quick, last minute trip.  Our last visit was in April and we knew this would be our last chance before baby Clara arrives.  Most of Cole's family live there so we get to see lots of relatives when we visit.

We enjoyed our visit with everyone, but primarily decided to make the trip so that Jackson could spend time with his great grandparents.  Jackson is so fortunate to have three living great grandparents.  It is very important to Cole and I for him to build strong relationships with each of them.  They aren't able to travel often, so the only opportunity for them to really spend time with one another is when we visit.

Momo and Papa really wanted to see Jackson swim.  His swim teacher asked him on Monday if he was going to put on a show for them.  All week before we left he would say, "we're going to see Momo and Papa, I put on show for them."  That he did.  Friday afternoon we went to the club so Jackson could show off his swimming skills.  Momo and Papa were amazed!  J had the best time swimming all over the pool, diving for rings and back floating.  Daddy and Pop also had fun throwing J around the pool...much to his delight!  Jackson kept getting out of the pool to give Momo and Papa hugs and kisses.  When it was time for them to leave he kissed them good-bye and when he got back in the pool I asked him what they thought of his swimming.  His only response, "They liked the show." :)

The rest of the weekend was wonderful.  We spent the majority of our time hanging out on the back porch with family.  Jackson enjoyed tons of great quality time with everyone.

Relaxing together in the porch swing.
Momo taught him a song (Ladybug, Ladybug) and read him stories.

Playing ball
J telling Papa a story
Playing ball with Grandma
Grandma and Jackson...what a cute pair!
touring Momo's peaceful flower-filled backyard

Taking a break from baseball

Momo showing J her garden
Sweet kisses for Grandma

Fish face playing baseball  

Tired boy after a great weekend
I love all of the above pictures.  They captured such sweet, precious moments.  It was clear both Jackson and his great grandparents treasured their time together.  All in all a weekend very well spent.

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