Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Poor baby

Well our Monday morning didn't quite go as planned.  Mommy had hoped we would follow swim lessons with a trip to Whole Foods for some grocery shopping.  Instead, we came home after swim with a broken toe (or seriously jammed) and one sad little boy.

There is a big wooden door leading to the swim area at swim school.  Being in a rush this morning, and excited, Jackson dashed in front of me right when I opened the door and hurt his toe.  Major tears followed.  I felt so terrible!  I looked it over, didn't see anything wrong, and tried to console him enough to get in the water and swim.

As soon as the lesson ended I pulled him out of the pool and the first thing I noticed was his toe.  It was reddish, purple and swollen.  Bless his heart!  I showed it to his instructor and she agreed it looked traumatized.  She also confirmed what I already knew- even if it was broken there isn't any treatment other than to tape it to the next toe.

On the way home, we called daddy, nonnie and papaw to get their opinions.  All agreed with the swim instructor.  Papaw suggested we pull the toe to straighten the bones. This way if it was jammed the toe would continue to grow correctly.  This did not sound fun.  Jackson could hear the conversation (through the bluetooth) and he too must have sensed it didn't sound fun. He started saying mommy, my toe fine. all better.  We don't need to fix it.  However, it was clear he was still in pain because he had his legs crossed and was holding his foot in the car seat.

Once home, mommy played doctor.  She pulled the toe straight.  It popped.  Jackson screamed and cried.  I held him and then I used athletic tape to tape it to the next one.  Then we iced it and kept it elevated.  We also took some motrin for the pain.  Jackson didn't like keeping the ice pack on his foot so I had to wrap an ace bandage around it to keep him from pulling off the ice.

It was a sad day.  For being such a good patient Jackson was rewarded with a happy meal for lunch, a lollipop and got to watch a Curious George movie.  When walking he didn't put pressure on the foot until very late in the day.  By bedtime he seemed fine.  It is still bruised and you can tell it was injured.  Today he told me it hurt a little but walked (and ran) without difficulty.   I guess that is yet another good thing about being a little boy....fast healing time!  I am so glad he is feeling better!

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