Thursday, August 19, 2010

28 week sonogram

Last Wednesday, I had an OB appt and a sonogram.  I love sonograms.  Such a great opportunity to catch a glimpse of your sweet little baby.   Clara looked healthy and appears to be developing right on track.  The doctor estimated her weight at 3 pounds, 3 ounces.  This puts her about a week ahead of the actual 28 weeks and 5 days I was into the pregnancy.

During the sonogram, the technician switched to 4D mode and we got the special treat of looking at her sweet little face.  So cute!!  Although adorable, I was struck by how much she didn't look like her brother.  This was kind of a surprise since everyone tells me that newborn siblings tend to look very much alike.

Later that evening I was still thinking of her beautiful face and trying to figure out who she looked like.  I decided to look at Jackson's sonogram pictures and see what the big difference was.  Boy was I in for a surprise.  First, I noticed that we had a sonogram with Jackson at exactly 28 weeks, 5 days.  What a coincidence!  Then I noticed that at Jackson's sonogram they estimated his weight to be 3 pounds, 4 ounces- one ounce larger than his little sister.  Finally, when looking at both sets of 4D pictures I was blown away by how similar they looked!  Its a good thing the pictures were dated because otherwise it was very difficult to know who was who.

We can't wait to meet little Clara.  We know she will have her own distinct look and personality and we can't wait to watch as she grows and unveils her uniqueness.  However, it was kind of neat to see how similar she and Jackson are in size and appearance at this stage of pregnancy- especially since the pregnancies have been so completely different.

On Friday (the 20th) I'll start my 30th week. The countdown officially begins.....just 10 weeks until baby girl's arrival!

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