Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Belleview Park

Last week Jackson and I went to Belleview Park with my mom's prayer group.  Belleview is a great park in Englewood with a small train, a petting zoo, a creek that children can wade and play in and an awesome playground.  We had a great time!

My mom's prayer group consists of 8 women (including myself) who meet once a month to share prayer requests and pray with one another.  We pray for our families and anything else going on in our lives. We're also committed to praying for one another's families throughout the month.  It is such an amazing group!  I love these women and they have become my closest friends.  Its such a great blessing to have a group of mom's you can call on for support, encouragement and prayer.  Our children range from infants to 5 years old, so right now we are praying our way through pregnancies, potty training, the terrible twos and starting school.  We hope to be meeting years from now and praying our way through first dates, beginning drivers, adolescence and college.  Like I said, its an awesome group and I would highly encourage other moms to form one.  I promise you will be blessed!

We try to get our kiddos together for a playdate every other week so the kids get to know one another as well.  Its always a good time.  The kids are close in age and play really well with one another.  Belleview park was no exception.  The kids LOVED the train.  It circles the park making its way over a small bridge and through a tunnel.  The petting zoo is fun as well.  It features a couple of cows and calfs, turkeys, pigs, goats and chickens.  We brought a lunch and enjoyed a picnic by the creek.  The kids ran and played.  It was a great morning!

I wish I would have taken more pictures.   I was having such a great time visiting I wasn't very diligent with my camera.  Below are a few:

An attempt at a group shot....unfortunately not even half of the kids!

picnic....can you tell mom just took a bite of her sandwich?

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