Friday, September 3, 2010

Swimming video...Finally!

Below is a home video of J swimming.  Sorry it took me so long to post it to the blog.  He's doing great at swim school.  He's been promoted to the clownfish class and has accumulated three achievement ribbons!  The first ribbon is for being able to backfloat independently.  The second is for acquiring the "swim float swim" skill and the last is for passing the safety test of achieving a back float after falling in the water, even when dressed.  Cole and I are so proud!!

We are going to miss the pool so much when it closes in a few weeks.  We have really enjoyed spending as much time as possible there this summer.  One of our favorite activities is to go after Cole gets off work and meet friends for casual picnic dinners by the pool.   J is going to continue swim lessons so he can maintain and continue to improve his skills.  Luckily, our new community rec center will be finished in December.  We already have plans to make good use of the indoor pool!

The four arrow button on the bottom right allows you to view the video in full screen mode.

1 comment:

  1. Jackson, you like to swim like Nonie, ha ha Papaw and I are really proud of you , keep it up and learn more and more. Hope we get to see you soon maybe we can see you swim when we come. Love you
