Wednesday, September 22, 2010

A dress for Clara

Last week I got a crazy idea to try and make a dress for Clara.  I've never sewn clothes before so I'm not really sure what made me think this was a good idea.  I happened to see a dress online and thought to myself I can make that.  After that, the idea was stuck and I had to give it a try.  I made my own pattern and spent less than $10 on materials and supplies.  I haven't sewn since Jackson was born so it was a lot of fun to pull out my sewing machine and spend time doing something I've always enjoyed.  Not to mention the challenge of making something from nothing is always fun and creative.  Below are a few pictures of the finished product.  

Yes, I drew and appliqued the pumpkins myself so they are not perfect but I think you can tell what they are. 

1 comment:

  1. so cute! i love reading blogs, and a excited to keep up with yours! There is an awesome new fabric store in dallas called City Craft, and it has me totally inspired for sewing and other fabric crafts.
