Wednesday, September 22, 2010


With a new baby arriving this fall, I realized that J and I probably aren't going to get out of the house as much as we usually do this fall and winter.  To combat what I feared would be boredom, I started searching for something we could do together at home that would provide a little structure.  In doing so, I found an online preschool curriculum for 2-4 year olds.  I liked the way it was laid out and it covered things J was ready to learn.  He can say his alphabet and count but he needs to learn how to recognize his letters and numbers.  The program is 26 weeks long.  Each week has a theme, a vocab word (relating to the theme), a letter, number and either a shape or a color.

I told a couple of friends about it and they were interested in doing it with us.  We decided to meet once a week to introduce all of the week's concepts in a play based/interactive environment and to take turns teaching.  We started two weeks ago and it is going really well!  The kids love it and are actually learning.  We added a memory verse to the curriculum.  I've been blown away by the ability of  2 and 3 year olds to memorize scripture!

Aside from the socialization benefit, another perk of introducing the concepts once a week in a group setting is that the remainder of the week doesn't require any prep work.  We can reinforce what he is learning in conversations or everyday things we find in our environment.  We make a  learning poster each week with all of the concepts and then hang it up in a high traffic area he sees everyday.  Jackson loves it.  However, lets face it he's only two this isn't rocket science or critical to his lifelong education.  Anything he retains is awesome and what he doesn't he'll learn in his own time.

Here's hoping the rest of the year goes as well as the first two weeks!  Below are a few pictures from the first class.  I was the teacher and have to admit I really enjoyed the creative outlet of planning the lesson and preparing the crafts and games.  The best part is I only have to teach every three weeks.  The break in between affords me the time and energy to be really creative when my turn rolls around.

Like any preschool, snack time is important!

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