Friday, September 10, 2010

Children's Museum

Jackson and I spent our morning at the Children's Museum.  We had a wonderful time!  J is at a great age to really enjoy the exhibits.  I was amazed at how much more engaged he was compared to our last visit.  I have a feeling this will be a great destination for us this winter.  Clara can sleep in the stroller and J can burn energy running and exploring all of the exhibits!

The firetruck is one of his favorites.  He loves to drive and sound the sirens.  The water pump in the back is fun too.  He moves it around yelling, "Whoosh!  No more fire!"

The grocery store is another big hit.  Its set up like a Whole Foods with little grocery carts and a check-out station.  It also has a kitchen to the side where you can cook dinner after buying your groceries.  J loves pushing the cart around and gathering his food.  The biggest draw is the cart, which he can quickly turn into a game of bumper cars.  What can I say, the boy loves anything with wheels!

We both really enjoyed the bubble exhibit set up especially for the summer.  J had a great time making bubbles.  He looked like a mad scientist in his lab coat and safety goggles!

This was so cool.  When you pulled the rope a big bubble formed all around you.  J could make and stand inside his own bubble.  :)

Mommy doesn't let J use paints very often at home.  Way too messy.  I now know I'm a bad mommy for letting the mess deter me from encouraging what is clearly a budding Picasso.  

After we explored everything inside the museum, we hit up the playground outside.  Whew!  What a fun (and exhausting) morning!  I really enjoyed watching J play and explore everything.  He had a blast and is already asking when we can go again.  All in all, it was another wonderful morning with my favorite little man.  

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