Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Jackson meets Baby Sister

I will never forget the moment Jackson met Clara.  He  bounded into the hospital room and ran straight to the bassinet.  Once there he stood on tip toe and said very loudly, "Hi Baby Sister.  Its ME!"  Then he demanded to hold her.  We sat him on the couch and placed sister on the boppy pillow so he could "hold her." Next thing I know he's giggling and said "Mommy, sister licked me!"  Before I could even react he leaned down and licked the side of her face.  Then he said, "Its ok Mommy.  I licked her back."  I couldn't help but think to myself this is just the beginning.

Over the next few weeks the "newness" of sister wore off and Jackson slowly realized she was here to stay.  After waiting months for her to arrive, I think he was slightly disappointed at her inability to play with him.  Below are a couple of comments he made while adjusting to our new family of four.

"Why did she come out of your tummy?  Can you put her back?"
"Mommy, put her up. Put her in her crib or in the pack in pay (pack n play)."
"Nice to meet you"  while shaking her foot like you would someone's hand. 
"Mommy, did she toot? Why does she poop in that diaper?"
"I don't want to smell her anymore. She stinks." (After she spit up a little while sitting next to him)
"Mommy, her eyes are awake!!"  (he says this one all the time and in complete amazement any time he sees her eyes open.)
"Mommy, I like her."
"Mommy, she looks cute.  She looks perfect for us."  (one morning after I finished dressing her)
"Mommy why is sister eating you?" (he walked into her room while I was feeding her....when I explained that this is the way sister eats because she is not big enough to eat food like he does he responded with.....
"No she doesn't, she not a goat!"  (no idea why goats came to mind)

One thing is obvious, Jackson loves his baby sister.  He tells everyone we see,  "I have a new baby sister.  Her name is Tara E lizbith."   Its so fun to watch him with her.  He sings her songs and shows her all of his animals.  She is starting to return the affection.  She lights up when he talks to her and instantly stops crying when he pays her attention.  It is so sweet! I love watching them together.  Can't wait to see how their relationship grows and develops!  

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