Friday, December 17, 2010


Yep, you read it right....Halloween.  While the whole world is getting ready for Christmas I want to take a minute to backtrack and blog about our Halloween.  We had a great time celebrating the spookiest day of the year! :)  Jackson decided months before that he wanted to be a Cowboy.  I'm pretty sure Toy Story and Sheriff Woody had a big influence in his decision.  Knowing he had jeans and cowboy boots already in his closet I was thrilled with his choice.  All he needed was a cowboy hat (he asked for a big one), belt and a shirt.  More than anyone, Pawpaw, a cowboy at heart himself, loved his choice of costume.  The day before Clara was born Pawpaw took J shopping and made sure his costume was complete.  Have to admit, he made one adorable cowboy!

Jackson wore Cole's cowboy belt from when he was a boy.  J thought it was very cool to wear the same belt daddy wore when he was his age.  Good thing they have the same middle name!

Grammy and Pop came in town for the weekend to meet Clara and help Jackson trick or treat.  They brought Jackson the finishing touch for his costume a gun holster and a little orange pop gun.  He got a big kick out of quoting Woody...."reach for the sky!"

J had a great time trick or treating and by the end of the night he even won the heart of Cinderella....

Not to be out done by her older brother, Clara insisted on dressing up too.  She chose a lovely flower costume.  I love the look on her face in the pic below.  You can just tell she's thinking, "what has mommy dressed me in now?!?!?"

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