Monday, December 22, 2008

Meeting Santa

We spent Saturday at the Dallas Arboretum enjoying the holiday festivities. First, we took Jackson to see Santa. As usual, for a baby who never meets a stranger, he went right to the man in the big red suit and sat in his lap like old friends. He was quite fascinated with Santa's beard so getting him to look at the camera was a different story. Hopefully the photographer captured a smile. We also spent some time with Rudolf and Frosty. Below are some pictures from our day.

Better late than never....

Hi!  We have finally decided to join the world of blogging!  I know we are about 7 months too late in documenting the first year of Jackson's life but we figure its better late than never.  We are going to do our best to update the blog every couple of days with news and happenings at the Dennard house, Jackson's milestones and of course pictures.  The next few months promise to be eventful as we are selling our house in Dallas and moving to Denver.  We are currently building a new home in the Stapleton area of Denver which should be completed in June 2009.  While we are excited about the relocation, it is of course bittersweet as we will be leaving behind family and all of our wonderful friends in Dallas.   But enough about the move for now, this week is Christmas!  We are so excited about Jackson's first Christmas! Today we are running last minute holiday errands, wrapping gifts and getting ready to leave for Nonnie and Pawpaw's (Steph's parents) house tomorrow.   Well actually that is what we are supposed to be doing. Right now however Dad is home and we are hanging out in our pj's, playing and enjoying each other's company.  Oh well errands can wait...first Christmas memories only come once.  Happy Holidays!